Patches for POVRay-3.5This is a collection of patches against UNIX POVRay-3.50c (but most should apply cleanly against any 3.50). Unless stated differently, these patches were written by me and are against UNIX POVRay version 3.50c. You are most likely looking for patches against the current version of POVRay; patches on this page are either no longer maintained by me (IPT patch), finally made it into POVRay (e.g. X11 patch) or were not included for what reason ever... <snip> IPT: Faster low-quality rendering: InterPolated Tracing [discontinued]
Unfortunately, raytracing can take an aweful lot of time. Especially if
you want to render an animation this may get really annoying. This is why I came up with the following idea: For test-rendering a scene during construction it would be nice to not render the complete image but interpolate parts of it. This unavoidably introduces a loss in quality. The algorithm should be made in a way that the ratio of quality loss versus speed increase is a good one. Unfortunately, this turned out to be quite hard and I am not sure if I will continue development. Read more about interpolated tracing and the achievements here. (A patch for POVRay is also available on the page behind that link.) Torus numerics patch [included in 3.6]
This patch will improve the calculation
numerics for the torus object and prevent it from getting
artifacts when viewed from greater distance with smaller camera angles. X11 patch [included in 3.6]This patch fixes window close while rendering (now works aborting the trace when applying this patch; povray-3.6 will close but continue to render) and prevents events from staying in the event queue until end of trace. Isosurface warning patch [not fixed in 3.6]
Just fixes the warning you get about max_gradient: In case
gradients are smaller than 0.0005, official POVRay
will happily display that e.g. the max gradient found was 0.000 while
you specified 0.000 and that the isosurface may contain holes. Parametric object patch [not fixed in 3.6]This patch addresses two issues:
BesselJ and SG Orbit patch [too special]
This patch adds support for the
Bessel J function and its derivation as well as for the
310 and 320 orbits of the Schrödinger equation in Coulomb potential.
Requires GSL (GNU scientific library). Trivial fix patch [partly fixed in 3.6]This patch fixes the following minor issues:
Look at the code to see yourself.