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Electronics -- USB Live Oscilloscope: Software

USB Live Oscilloscope Software

Although the oscilloscope software is in early development and lots of features are missing, the most interesting part, namely the USB low-level routines are working rock-solid. While playing around I had the oscilloscope running for 8 to 12 hours without a single crash.

Here's a screen shot of the version 0.27.

USB Live Oscilloscope screen shot [15kb]

(Missing) Features:

  • Single and normal trigger are present; auto trigger is missing, can manually force a trigger.
  • Only analog input is supported currently; no digital input. (If you have only one digital line, connect it to bit 7 and choose "analog" as input).
  • Sampling rates: 10MS/s, 5MS/s, 2.5MS/s, 1MS/s, 500kS/s, 250kS/s, 100kS/s, 50kS/s.
  • Analog input sensitivity (1Vpp or 2Vpp) cannot yet be changed.
  • Any number of samples (as long as memory is large enough) (Horiz/N).
  • Down-sampling with and without averaging (Horiz/T).
  • Trigger position 0% to 100% (Trigger/X), rising or falling edge.
  • Zooming with scroll wheel of the mouse!
  • "Hold" button not working.
  • Vertical and horizontal scaling missing. Time information must be manually calculated from sampling index, sampling rate and down-sampling factor.


Here's the full software tarball for download. Note that you need some external packages to get it compiled.

Source: live-osci-0.27.tar.gz   [205kb gzipped source tarball]
Version:0.27   (2006-06-18)
Author:Wolfgang Wieser   (report bugs here)
License:GNU GPL (Version 2)
Requires:QTXLib-0.21, Qt-3, libusb


For build instructions, please see the INSTALL file in the toplevel. You need to do some manual symlinking and similar; just doing configure and make won't do the trick.

In order to re-build the FX2 firmware, you need sdcc. Enter the directory firmware/fx2 (in the source dir) and type make. The firmware is compiled into the file liveosci.ihx and automatically downloaded onto the USB-FX2 board by the oscilloscope software. It can also be re-downloaded at runtime.

In order to re-build the clock generator firmware, you need gcc for AVR architecture. Go into the directory firmware/ckgen-avr and type make. You then have to program the resulting firmware binary onto the ATtiny2313 chip (e.g. using USB-AtmelPrg). NOTE however that you only have to re-build the firmware when you change it since a working binary is already included in the tarball. (Be careful when changing this code! It works with avr-gcc-3.3.2 and although I used inline assembly to not depend on the compiler producing certain code for accurate timings, you might still experience surprises...)

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Last modified: 2007-07-18 15:53:47