Utils for AnimationsJoining and Splitting Stereo Frames: StereoJoinSay you want to create 3d films. You may run into the following two problems:
In order to deal with these problems, I wrote StereoJoin. Generating Anaglyphs from left/right image pairs: AnaglyphJoinThis is a progrma to create (red/green, red/cyan or whatever) anaglyphs from colored or grayscale right/left image pairs. Supports on-the-fly grayscale conversion for grayscale anaglyphs but can also generate colored anaglyphs (which is probably only useful for red/cyan glasses). Ability to convert any number of frames to process complete films. Complete feature list and free source code available on the AnaglyphJoin page. Generating Polynomial: GenPoly
Sometimes, you may need to calculate a polynomial with some special
properties -- say a second order extrema at position
going through point (xb,yb) and a
normal extremum at yc.
GenPoly can do just that: You give it points
and it calclates a polynomial of any order with the desired properties.